If you are interested in enrolling a student at FAITH and funding is an issue, we would be happy to talk with you about Financial Aid Scholarships, discounts for multiple student families, payment plans, and other options.

Enroll A Student     

Financial Aid Scholarship

Financial aid is available for qualified families. If you would like to apply for financial aid, please do so when enrolling your student.

The financial assistance application will be available on March 15, 2024 for the 2024-25 school year.

Apply online for financial aid at https://online.factsmgt.com/aid. Tuition assistance is awarded up to 30% off tuition. If you have any further questions please call the school office at (715) 842-0797.

 School Choice Voucher Program

Faith Christian Academy is part of the WI School Choice Program. Qualifying students receive assistance for their full tuition. Please go to https://dpi.wi.gov/sms/choice-programs/student-applications to apply for the school choice voucher. Applications must be completed between February 1st and April 18th, 2024.

Multiple Child Discount

Families with two or more children enrolled at FAITH in grades K4–12 will receive a discount off the additional tuition.

2nd child15%
3rd child30%
4th child60%

The tuition for each child after the fourth is $1,200 plus registration fees.


Making Payments

FAITH offers two ways to make your monthly or annual payments.

All our payment methods will be online with FACTS Tuition Management. You can choose your payment plan option and automatic withdrawals during enrollment. You can also use credit or debit card for payment.

Enrollment Opens

January 1Re-enrollment opens for current families
February 1Families can enroll for School Choice credits
February 15New student enrollment opens

Enrollment Fees

The enrollment fee is paid at the time of enrollment for each student registering.

Before May$150.00
Before July$250.00
Before September$500.00

Fundraiser Fee

FAITH no longer charges a separate fundraising fee.

High School—Primary Tuition 2024-2025

Tuition includes textbooks, technology, and testing fees.

Grades 9 – 12$6,800
Grades 6 – 8$6,400
Grades 1 – 5$5,500

* Tuition includes textbooks, technology fees, field trip fees, and testing fees. 

* 9th-12th grade tuition could increase depending on dual credits. 

*Updated 1/05/2023


Kindergarten Tuition 2024-2025

Years Old3 Half Days – Monday/Wednesday/Friday or Tuesday/Thursday/Friday
8-11:30 am
Years Old5 Half Days – Monday—Friday 8-11:30 am$3,500

 *Updated 1/05/2023

Payment Plans

Families can choose to have a 12-month or 9-month payment plan.

Grade1 Payment12 Payments9 Payment
K4 $3,000.00$250.00$333.33
K5 $3,500.00$291.67$388.89
1-5th Grade$5,500.00$458.33$611.11
6-8th Grade$6,400.00$533.33$711.11
9-12th Grade$6,800.00$566.67$755.56

Enroll A Student