4th Grade Teacher
Masters in Education
My family and I moved here from Southern New Jersey at the beginning of the school year! This is my third year teaching. My college degrees are in music and elementary education, but right out of college, I worked in office administration, taught piano, and from 2014-2021, I was a stay-at-home mom. I live in the Medford area with my husband George (area pastor) and my two boys, Carson (3rd grade) and Wesley (1st grade), both at FCA. I play piano on my church worship team, and I serve with the children’s ministries at my church as well. I enjoy traveling and have currently been to 40 states and 6 countries. I’m hoping to add more this year!
I grew up in a Christian home with godly parents who set a wonderful example for me. I attended church all my life and knew the gospel from a young age. When I was 11, I was very convicted after talking about salvation with my Dad and I knew I needed to make that decision for myself. I am so thankful for the forgiveness of my sins and for the hope of heaven someday.
First Baptist Church, Medford, WI